Tell us about your project ideas or just say hello. Whether you’ve got a big idea or need some inspiration with an environmental, socio-economic and cultural oriented project, we are here to foster innovation and create synergies. From research to development, from product conception to its end-of-life, let us work together.
Would you like to join our team and contribute as a volunteer or as an employee. Please do not hesitate to check out the available openings.
Send us your CV + cover letter.
48 Avenue Mont Rabeau, 06200 Nice, France
Phone : +33.(0)
Email :
Web :
Would you like to commit to useful missions & collaborative projects ? Would you like to engage to activities related to Sustainability, Protection of the cultural heritage, Social sciences & Humanities and other technical-related tasks ?
Please bring your amazing capacities and expertise and develop new skills.
Send CV + your expectations and motivation to
The Arditec Association is currently looking for a Junior Environmental Engineer to join our team as a Project Manager. A minimum experience of 3 years on the Life Cycle Thinking approach & tools (including LCA, LCC and SLCA) is a requirement.
We are looking for a teamplayer, young, dynamic, and ready to flight and exchange with colleagues all over the world, especially Europe.
Send CV + your expectations and motivation to
48 avenue Mont-Rabeau, 06200, Nice
Phone : +33.(0)
Email :
Web :