We are an association law 1901, created with the ambition of promoting to all its members, customers & partners, sustainable development, protection & conservation of our cultural heritage, and social & societal responsibility.
Solutions to the environmental and socio-economic challenges of the 21st century, require the integration of innovative concepts, such as circular economy, life cycle thinking, socio-dynamics, among other principles.
The ARDITEC Association aims to support organisations willing to participate and contribute their expertise to innovation programs at regional, national and international levels, such as the Horizon 2020 program (future Horizon Europe). These Research & Innovation programs are organised around three main priorities, related to our vision & mission of the Association: Scientific excellence, Industrial leadership and Societal challenges.
In the context of the French law for the Energy Transition for a Green Growth, and most common directives worldwide, our missions & actions contribute to support organisations to achieve these objectives:
GHG emission reduction (40% in 2030/1990 and 75% in 2050/1990),
Reduction of energy consumption (50 % in 2050/2012),
Reduction of primary energy consumption of fossil fuels (30 % in 2030/2012)
Our reflection and our missions are carried out at national and international level. Our activities will capitalise on the experience of organisations, industry, public authorities, NGOs, research centres and universities, among others.
The Sustainable Development Goals provide us with a roadmap to reshape a better and more sustainable future for all. They respond to the global challenges we face today, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and justice.
In 2015, The United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. In 2016, the Paris agreement on climate change was adopted, in order to limit rising global temperatures.
Throughout its missions, the ARDITEC Association will support public and private organisations achieve by 2030, goals linked to the environmental resilience, the protection of the cultural heritage and other related goals.
We account large experience on collaborative projects, focused on the research & development of innovative technologies.
The Arditec Association benefits from highly qualified, multicultural, interdisciplinary and talented people.
The accuracy of the results are only guaranteed by the use of standardised and state-of-the-art softwares, methodologies & tools.
The Arditec Association provided support to review and create communication materials for the National Biodiversity Strategy of the government of...
Creation and organisation of the Sustainable Riviera Think-Tank, a place for knowledge capitalisation and sharing around three main objectives:
...ARDITEC Association has supported several missions with the objective of evaluating the environmental impacts of innovative technologies under development (low...
ARDITEC Association has supported several missions with the objective of evaluating the environmental impacts of innovative technologies under development (low...
ARDITEC Association has supported several missions with the objective of evaluating the environmental impacts of innovative technologies under development (low...
The Arditec Association has supported Construction companies & owners to measure the ecological footprint of buildings and identify potential axes...
The Arditec Association outlines its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection and has supported organisations to engage actions to limit...
In order to carry-out its missions, the ARDITEC Association relies on its volunteer founding members, with diverse technical profiles. They set the strategic orientations and decide of tasks and missions to carry out in priority. They work closely with the volunteers and employees of the team.
A team of multicultural (France, Spain, Hungary, Colombia, Bolivia, Mexico, etc.), interdisciplinary (Environmental Science, Engineering, Architecture & Urbanism, Social studies & Humanities, etc.) and experimented collaborators take the lead on environmental and other technical-related subjects. Some of our team members have more than 10 years of experience in R&D collaborative projects, linked to the development of innovative technologies (low TRL solutions).
Would you like to commit to useful missions & collaborative projects ? Would you like to engage to activities related to Sustainability, Protection of the cultural heritage, Social sciences & Humanities and other technical-related tasks ?
Please bring your amazing capacities and expertise and develop new skills.
Send CV + your expectations and motivation to contact@arditec-asso.fr
The Arditec Association is currently looking for a Junior Environmental Engineer to join our team as a Project Manager. A minimum experience of 3 years on the Life Cycle Thinking approach & tools (including LCA, LCC and SLCA) is a requirement.
We are looking for a teamplayer, young, dynamic, and ready to flight and exchange with colleagues all over the world, especially Europe.
Send CV + your expectations and motivation to contact@arditec-asso.fr
48 avenue Mont-Rabeau, 06200, Nice
Phone : +33.(0)
Email : contact@arditec-asso.fr
Web : www.arditec.net