Privacy Policy

The website of SUSTEPS project fully comlies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Parliament and the European Council (regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016). Our privacy policy, according to GDPR, includes the following terms.

What information is collected ?

In our site are collected the following personal data

  • The data send throught our contact form.
  • The emails of persons who are interested on recieving our newsletter.
  • The IPs and data of website visits (duration of the visits, pages read, etc).

It is worth mentioning that from the aforementioned sources of personal data collection, only data received through the contact form include the name of the data subject. For data collected via newsletter receivers and visit data, we don’t have acces and don’t keep any additional information that could be attributed to a specific data subject, therefore newsletters receivers and website visitors are absoluted non identifiable entities.

Why is it collected ?

  • Data send through contact form are collected for replying to incoming messages.
  • Data sent throught subscription to our nesletter are collected to be included only in our newsletter’s recievers list.
  • Data about visits in our web site are collected stricly for statistical reasons as indicators on the public interest on our Project.

r receivers and visit data, we don’t have acces and don’t keep any additional information that could be attributed to a specific data subject, therefore newsletters receivers and website visitors are absoluted non identifiable entities.

How is it collected ?

The aforementioned data are collected through our website and is stored in our website database.

How will it be used and who will it be shared with ?

All the personal data collected will be strictly used only for the optimal implementation of our project and the dissemination of our activities. We don’t share any kind of collected personal data with any third party.

How long the data will be kept ?

SUSTEPS project development will last 4 years, and as it is planned the project’s website will be online totally 5 years (Sept 2023 – Sept 2028). At the end of this period, all collected personal data will be deleted.

Additionally all personal data collected through the contact form, will be kept in our database as backup data, for a period of 2 months following submittion date. At the end of this period, collected personal data will be deleted.

Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain ?

Due to our full compliance to the GDPR, objections or complains from our website visitors are not expected. In case, great attention will be given to the content of received messages.

Can be requested data to be deleted or modified ?

The data subject can request any time the deletion or modification of his own personal data by sending a message using our contact form. Additionally recievers of our newsletters will always have the opportunity to unsubcribe using the relevant option included in our newsletters. We have the right to contact the data subject by email, in order to indentify that the request for data deletion or modification is really sent by him.