Unidad Tecnica de Ozono (MinAmbiente) y Red Verde

Analysis of the environmental impact of possible End-of-life scenarios for waste polyurethane foam and CFC/HCFC type gases from refrigeration appliances.


Analysis of the environmental impact of possible end-of-life scenarios for waste polyurethane foam and CFC/HCFC type gases from refrigeration appliances, and their possible transformation into raw materials and value-added products (insulation panels, prefabricated concrete blocks, etc.).

5 months


June 2023

Arditec & ICIPC tasks

Perform a comparative analysis of the environmental impact of the polyurethane foam, following the Life Cycle Analysis methodology (ISO 14040-44 v2006)


UTO & Red-Verde received scientific-based results, to guide decision-making:

  • understand the impacts related to different PU foam EoL scenarios,
  • support policy-making related to disposal of dangerous gases,
  • guide and support waste managers into a more ecological transition,
  • report to Colombian autorités.